In Hinduism, cow is considered to be a symbol of earthly life, selfless giving and prosperity, much like a nourishing mother. In India, the contemporary political relevance of the cow has deep historical roots, an obvious outcome of the animal’s importance in Hinduism since the medieval age. Cow protection as a political issue really came into its own during the colonial period as Indians started to develop a collective consciousness based on their religious identity.

A new Act passed by the Indian government in 2015 had banned the slaughter of all cattle, with the exception of water buffaloes, in most Indian states. The law carries a seven-year jail term as punishment for slaughtering cows. The state targets only the act of slaughter and dietary habits of its citizens, while steak houses, tanneries and bone trade are as much to blame.

Beloved Mother is a social documentary project. It involves various aspects of cow politics in India, including the leather industry, vigilantism, and how a major section of the society depends on trade-based scavenging of carcasses.